Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 19, 2013 Food Swap

After such an exciting week last week, I am very sorry to report that no one contacted me about attending, nor did anyone just show up.

Again it has been brought to my attention to have a swap on a weekend, and I'm not trying to come off as a know-it-all or be rude at all. I am saying that in the past I have done it on a Saturday morning... and no one showed up. No one contacted me about coming or not, and no one showed up. So I just sat in my front yard for the fun of it for 3 hours. No really it wasn't fun.

If someone would like to open up their front/back yard for a weekend swap I am ALL for it. I will come and bring some awesome herbs or fruit (my apricot tree is starting to ripen) and I will swap with other people, and have a grand ol'e time. I just want to keep the swaps at my home to Wednesday's from 3-6 pm. (3-5 pm in the winter).

Please leave a comment below or contact me directly if you want to host a swap at your home and we can talk about the details.

Thank you, :)


  1. I think its pretty awesome you have an entire site dedicated to oc Food swap. Definitely makes me wish I had some sort of fruit or veggies in bulk to partake.

    Hope the weeks ahead go better for you

  2. Sorry about the weekend! I'm totally new to food-swapping so I wouldn't even know what you would swap. (Good thing you've got a blog to educate noobs like me!!) Maybe we can do an SCLB one?
